I say that, but when I think about it that's what I'm doing... I'm thinking - constantly. Can't stop. I'm addicted. I have a problem. It is an issue in my life. Even this, right now, this is just a twisted, weird, tangent of a narration I am having with myself in my head. But, yet I'm enjoying it. I love thinking. I love dreaming. I love being able to be whoever I want to with absolute control over myself and well everyone else. Now that sounds quite psychotic, doesn't it? It's not though, think about it, in your head, in your mind, you get to do, say, act, perform, talk, eat, sleep, shag, fuck, abuse drugs for fun, abuse people who treat you badly, without any judgement being passed. Of course there is always your own opinion of yourself, but hey, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who really knows me, maybe you do too. On the face of it, I'm a completely different person to who I'd really like to be. If I smile at you, I might not be agreeing with you or laughing at your chauvinistic "joke", or your homophobic insults, or your prejudiced remarks, I might really be beating you to death with the lead pipe in the dining room - but you all thought it was Professor Plum, right? Violence is not the answer... Not always.
What I am trying to get at, what is really making my skin crawl, are bitches. Now as a female, and as a feminist, I am not just referring to women, and I am absolutely avoiding sexism. What I do mean when I say the term 'bitches' is a human being who is so hypocritical, so self-centered, so critical towards others, towards people who will walk from a crowd and go the way that they want to go instead of where they "should" want to, and are so wrapped up in their own "perfect" lives they cannot see the damage they are doing to others. Maybe us, as human beings, should start to think about ourselves in an out-of-body way. Look at yourself, look at your life. Start being who you really want to be and stop worrying about what may happen. Art. Food. Sex. Life. Maybe you need to start living, maybe you need to stop worrying, and maybe you should make a change to help yourself, and others. Take that trip, ask that guy out, learn French, eat pizza, drink, laugh, fuck bitches and get money. But ultimately, love who you are.
An inspiring video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAKtEI7PBho